A Shudder Review: A Streaming Service for Horror Fans

The horror movie genre is a popular one, with new scary titles hitting both the big screen and streaming services all the time. One company took notice of the large number of horror-movie enthusiasts and created a streaming platform dedicated to the genre.

The platform, called Shudder, has since become quite popular, and for good reason. The service offers tons of horror movies, both classic and new, as well as exclusives. 

If you are a horror fan yourself and have exhausted the offerings on other streaming services, Shudder may be the place you want to look next. They offer a wide variety of horror films as well as TV shows spanning multiple different sub-genres, including supernatural, slasher, thriller, among others.

In this article we’ll walk you through all Shudder has to offer, such as their exclusive titles, library content, pricing, and more. We’ll also answer the question as to whether or not Shudder may be worth getting for you. 

Shudder’s Library

Shudder offers both movies and series in the horror genre. These span multiple sub-genres, and include both classic and modern horror. Below are all the genres Shudder includes:

  • Supernatural
  • Killers
  • Creature Features
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Exclusive & Original
  • International
  • Documentary
  • Comedy
  • Crime & Mystery
  • Revenge
  • Sci-Fi
  • Cult
  • Shorts

The contents of their library is truly tailored to die-hard horror fans. Not only does it include classics like “Halloween”, “Nosferatu”, “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, and more, but there are plenty of new horror movies to discover. 

If you have a hard time choosing what to watch, Shudder also offers what they call Collections, where they gather specific types of horror films to choose from. They also offer Shudder TV, which is a 24/7 live stream of shows and movies. 

The Shudder exclusives are also great, and they include titles like Rob Zombie’s “3 From Hell,” an animated Creepshow special, as well as documentaries on horror classics with exclusive interviews. 

Shudder’s Features

Shudder has a few features that make using the streaming service more enjoyable. One of these is much like Netflix and can save movies or series you want to watch to a list called My List. This makes it easier to save the movies you want to watch for later. 

Another feature that isn’t on many other streaming services these days is the ability to write reviews for what you’ve watched. You can rate movies out of five “skulls” as well as write a review to explain your rating. Other user’s reviews are also available to read, which is extremely helpful when choosing what to watch. 

The Shudder TV feature, as mentioned above, is also a unique feature for a streaming service. You can choose from three different live channels, which are “It Came From Shudder,” for Shudder exclusives, “The Folk Horror Collection,” and “Slashics.” These channels are going on constantly, so you can always tune in if you can’t choose something else to watch. 

Streaming Features

The streaming features of Shudder are some of the downsides of the platform. The service only allows for streaming on one device at a time, though some have found streaming on multiple devices is still possible, so your mileage may vary. 

Shudder also doesn’t support 4K, or even 1080p. Most of the movies are streamed at 720p, though some will stream lower. The quality of the streaming, as I’ve found, can also include some lag at times and odd errors. However, most of the time there’s no issue.

Membership Prices

Shudder has two different types of membership, either $5.99 per month, or you can pay for Shudder annually at $56.99, which comes to $4.75 a month. Shudder also usually offers a free 7 day trial for the annual plan, and you can cancel it at any time before being billed for the whole year. 

This is significantly cheaper than many other streaming services, likely due to the fact it caters to one genre and has some streaming limitations. This can definitely make it worth your while for the price if you’re a big horror fan.

Devices That Support Shudder

Shudder is supported on a number of devices so that you can watch movies on your TV set or mobile devices. Here are the devices which support Shudder:

  • iOS App Store
  • Android Google Play
  • Amazon Fire TV
  • Roku
  • Xbox One

If you don’t have a device that will support Shudder or the Shudder app, I’ve had success with hooking up a laptop via HDMI to a TV to watch movies on the service. However, this has caused more issues to occur than streaming Shudder otherwise. 

Is Shudder Worth It?

Shudder is great for anyone who is a huge fan of horror, as there is an amazing selection of movies and series. The documentaries on Shudder are also worth watching, especially if you’re an obsessive fan who enjoys knowing all the ins and outs of their favorite films. Shudder also offers great exclusives and original movies that make paying for the service more desirable. 

If you aren’t too big on horror movies, Shudder may not be worth it for you. The platform does offer some more thriller, crime, and mystery-type films as well, but the majority of their offerings certainly revolve around horror. 

If you’re still unsure about paying for Shudder, you could also always try the free trial to see if you’d actually be interested in paying for it. 

A Streaming Service For All Your Horror Needs

Overall, Shudder provides something unique for those who may not be impressed with horror genre offerings on other streaming services. It’s well priced for what it offers, with lots of great movies, exclusives, and more for horror enthusiasts to enjoy.